Monday 29 March 2021

What is LIFE?


Life can’t just be a word,

Like a king with his sword,

Life cannot be a gain,

Without facing pain,

Life makes you happy and sad,

Without which you get raving mad,

Life makes you cry,

Without which you can’t try,

Life always takes your test,

But not same as the rest,

You know you will have to pass,

Because the lesson you learn will surely last,

You have your mom and dad,

Having them you feel so glad,

You know life makes you happy,

With all the joys & sorrows as a canopy,

Life is like butter on bread,

It’s not a lesson to be read,

Phases are so complicated,

Yet so co-ordinated. 



Hug Them If someone is falling behind in life, you don't have to remind them. Believe me, they already know. If someone is unhealthy, th...