Thursday 26 August 2021

I should have known !

I should have known!

I should have known you are not the one

I should have known this would change my life

I should have known there was a mask you had worn

I should have known I would have to strive

I should have known all that sugar coated talks were poison

I should have known all those cozy moments were a lie

I should have known my heart would turn frozen

I should have known in the process of loving you I would die

I should have known the love you showed was a part of your game

I should have known the promises you said were just for the sake

I should have known for you I was just another name

I should have known the future you would have no take

I should have known I was being fooled

I should have known you are a spoiler

I should have known I was being ruled

I should have known all you could be is a destroyer

I should have known that my love for you was too pure

I should have known my heart is going to break

I should have known the pain I got had no cure

I should have known my feelings were on stake

I should have known I couldn’t ever stop loving you

I should have known the guilt I had is not what I own

I should have known at least should have had a clue

I should have known; all of it just should have known… 

1 comment:

  1. You really need me to comment, because you know what you have gone through, I was in everytime with you, standing behind you.



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