Monday 29 March 2021

What is LIFE?


Life can’t just be a word,

Like a king with his sword,

Life cannot be a gain,

Without facing pain,

Life makes you happy and sad,

Without which you get raving mad,

Life makes you cry,

Without which you can’t try,

Life always takes your test,

But not same as the rest,

You know you will have to pass,

Because the lesson you learn will surely last,

You have your mom and dad,

Having them you feel so glad,

You know life makes you happy,

With all the joys & sorrows as a canopy,

Life is like butter on bread,

It’s not a lesson to be read,

Phases are so complicated,

Yet so co-ordinated. 

Sunday 7 March 2021

Know how Meditation can change your behaviour

 Know how Meditation can change your behaviour.


                   In the world of the overload of families, work, internal pressure, we need meditation. Meditation helps develop focus, control, and regulating emotions and also learn how to pay attention inside and outside. Meditation is all about having a peaceful, calm, and a stress less mind. Meditation makes you aware of your whole body and all aspects including your emotions. It helps in increasing immunity & reducing stress. It can be a fun journey to be explored with yourself and family members i.e. meditating with your loved ones. Anybody will always be happy looking at the peaceful faces of your loved ones.

There are 5 simple ways how you can start meditation.

    1st way – Bell Meditation: Sit with criss-cross legs straight back and closed eyes. Tell someone to ring a bell for 5 minutes and concentrate on meditation rather than getting distracted by the ringing of the bell. Now just listen to the noise of the surroundings. And calm down.

    2nd way – Relaxation Song: Usually everyone loves to listen to rock music, but some people are not aware that there are so many types of music and songs. Relaxation or soft music can help you the best in meditation. You should listen to music which has just the sound of instruments. It gives peace to your mind.   


    3rd way – Breathe!: Take a deep breath for around 5 times. It's the best way of relaxing. It will help you to be calm and have easy breathing. Breathing in and out is a wonderful exercise for the body as well.

    4th way – Clouds Gazing: Gaze at the clouds and their movements. This will help you to improve your concentration power. The peace and happiness of gazing at the clouds is amazing.

    5th way – Dance Free: Dance free on the songs you like. This will help you lose out the stress and be free, no restrictions, no force. This is one of the best ways of relaxing (and my personal favourite). Normally people think a lot while dancing which is not the right way. When you dance you should dance free. 


    These are just a few ways you can meditate. You should definitely try these for your friends and family so that you'll have a peaceful mind. It’s not necessary that meditation is only for adults, it's also for kids. It helps them to overcome the stress of studies. Let yourself free from all stress and burden. Learn the technique of having a peaceful and calm mind. 


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