Friday 22 October 2021

School Wala Pyaar

               You know how it is said that “School ka Pyaar hamesha waise hi rehta hai”. 

Love is a beautiful feeling, and by love, I don’t mean only a love relationship that a boyfriend and a girlfriend share. Love has a lot of flavors, a lot of different types like parents love, siblings love, friends love so on and so forth. 

We all have had our first crushes and love kinda feelings in our school time and how much ever we deny it we know it started in school, which honestly isn’t such a bad thing. We as a generation, are people who are so afraid to accept what we feel, so afraid to voice our opinions or take a stand because we have the fear of being judged and why wouldn’t we be afraid our societies have their set of rules and regulations which they feel is okay to be imposed on us and we should follow them blindly. And for the society, we live in having a crush, love affair, or a relationship when you are in school equals to you being tagged a spoiled brat pointing fingers at our upbringing which is why parents are strict and honestly I don’t blame them. 

So when I say ‘School ka Pyaar I mean either a crush or a feeling that you couldn’t explain back then because of course, you were too young to understand what is love, but when you grow up you know what love feels like. We all have such busy schedules, such fast running lives we don’t get the time to sit peacefully and give a throwback to our own memories. Recently I got a few days to spare from the crazy busy schedule that my work put me into, so I had a throwback to my memories, and just like ‘Shakala Boom Boom’ Pencil thing the guy I had a crush on back in school (like my first crush ever) texted me after 4-5 years or so just simply confessing that you know I have something to tell you and so on, it was as if like we went back in time and lived that part of our lives again and it was beautiful. Back in that time, we both didn’t know that we had a crush on each other as we were told to be good kids and not think or do anything apart from studies as otherwise we would be tagged bad kids, although it’s funny now when we think of it. 

Anyhow my whole point of writing up this blog and sharing with you a personal part of my life was to explain to you that take out time for yourself, let yourself feel, take a break to look back to those beautiful memories that you created and live it. Yes, we all have busy schedules but taking out time for yourself is going to keep you sane and your mental health healthy. 


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