Friday 11 June 2021

Physical Or Mental What Would You Choose?

         I choose both Physical and Mental Health. What’s your Choice? 

        You know, strangely, people talk about body positivity and self-love but when it comes to treating themselves they go way beyond the line. In times like these where we are in a Covid_19 situation, everything is already depressing to do we need to add more to it for ourselves? Is it worth it ask yourself? 

Honestly, I don’t understand the people who created these labels of in shape, out of shape, fair, dark, ugly. Why are these labels defining us? Each and everyone is a beautiful person, why does it matter that the beauty is inside or outside. I understand the urge of people wanting to be fit & healthy during times like these and it's good people should take care of their health but at what cost? People force themselves on hardcore diets, extreme intensity workouts, mental pressure do you think that’s healthy or helpful? 

Being a healthy person myself I do feel the need of losing some weight and becoming fit but trust me I don’t pressure myself, I have my process and that is how I go by it. But all of that is just for me being able to do certain things I wish to do that I probably can’t at the weight I am now. Also being a counselor and promoting mental health the most I have never take all this on my mental health. 

Everyone out here is trying to go from fat to fit or unhealthy to healthy, but in that process are you thinking about what you are putting yourself through mentally? Trust me when I say this there isn’t anything in the world worth without your mental health in place. 

So guys do everything that your heart tells you not what the “SOCIETY” tells you, but also doing with love and passion for yourself. Take care of yourself both physically and mentally. 

Also if you need to talk or just simply want someone to listen ping me.  




Hug Them If someone is falling behind in life, you don't have to remind them. Believe me, they already know. If someone is unhealthy, th...