Sunday 11 April 2021

Friendships Or Labels

  You know friendships are a very integral part of each lives, our thought process, our behaviour, our point of view, our habits all of this does have a huge impact on the kind of people we are surrounded by. You know honestly no friend is a bad friend because each have their own characteristics we have to decide which to adapt. Some are your best friends, some good friends, some 3am friends, some are friends with benefits, some are just friends, some are friends, Uffffffff ! We have so many labels to put, why is that, why do we label our friends? To what does it accomplish? You know I agree we have different people in our lives to make us feel differently but is it necessary that we label them in our convinces according to the quality we like the best about them? No, we shouldn’t when we call someone our friend we should be ready to accept them in whole, we cannot just accept the good parts and leave them alone for the bad ones, isn’t that selfish? Think about it what is the point of making friends when you are so selfish to take in their goods but not their bads. There are a lot of things friends do together, lot is secrets they share, lots of good & bad news they share. 

  This isn’t about what you should or shouldn’t do, this is about what friends should do for each other. My point is we stand for our friend in their good times and be so happy and feel so proud, like wise we should stand with them in the bad times too being their pillar & shoulder to cry on. It’s like when we are sad we bow to god, but when happy we tend to forget. Here when our friends are in the goods we stand by them so why not stand in their bads too. That is what a true friendship is called (whatever labelled friend you have in your life, this goes for all). This isn’t some gyaan blog or and instruction manual or guide to be a good friend it just the truth that I would love my readers to read. 

Lots of Love. 



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